
The central objective of the ET-2020 Strategy is the increase of the energy efficiency and the reduction of CO2 emissions. In order to reach the central objectives of ET-2020 when operating buildings a building must be seen as a complex technical system; it needs a systemic approach where all aspects from building to operating must be considered. A resulting field of activity is the Building Service Engineering (Gebäudesystemtechnik = GST) that is of growing importance in Europe although there have been just a few training and further education facilities in GST explicitly based on the systemic approach so far.

With the project, already existing VET as well as new training and further education in the GST- field are supposed to be oriented towards the systemic basis of GST. Therefore new qualification demands have to be fulfilled by the employees. The project is targeted at the empirical recording of these specific demands and to describe them competence-oriented. By this means the future job training and further education structures are supposed to be coordinated in a better way with the demands of the job market. Furthermore, the transfer of acquired competences should be promoted among the different European countries and the cooperation between the world of work and the VET-system will be intensified.

Since GST combines and reinforces qualifications of different existing jobs that require training on the basis of its systemic approach, there is a need to make acquired competences transparent and easy to describe for new vocational training profiles within the GST. Thus the model of the Vocational Qualification Transfer System (VQTS) is transferred to the field of  of GST. Job-related competences are described in learning units, suggestions for a possible distribution of credit points (ECVET) are developed and already existing training profiles in Europe are made transparent. Each trainee in the occupational filed of GST should be enabled to do parts of his job training in a different European country and it should be possible to acknowledge all acquired skills and competences as part of his training frameworks.

Core partners of the project are mainly vocational colleges in Germany, France, Bulgaria, Finland and Spain. In the empirical investigations, the implementation and the use of project results, chambers of commerce, district authorities, state governments, trading associations, employee associations and enterprises of the GST are integrated. The empirical investigation will be carried out with the cooperation of KN-Marketing, a consulting firm active in the field of further training in GST.

In order to coordinate job training and further education and the qualification systems in the field of GST and to make a lasting improvement on the demands of the job market, the results of the projects should be implemented in the frameworks for VET and the curricula of the VET and further education programmes in each participating country.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the
information contained therein.