It is the aim of the project to describe the future competence demands of GST and to promote the transferability of the acquired competences between and within the individual countries.
These are the aims of the project:
- The transfer of the VQTS-Matrix into the new field of activity of Building Service Engineering. The matrix serves as a tool to intensify the cooparation between the world of work and the different VET-systems in this new field of occupation.
- Outcome-oriented description for the competences of the vocational field of Building Service Engineering.
- Easing the identification and acknowledgement of competences that were already acquired within the initial vocational training in the vocational fields mentioned above.
- Further development of training programmes and further education programmes in the field of Buidling Service Engineering in all participating countries.
- Comparability of already existing training opportunities. In this way the transparency of the European training opportunities in different dimensions, e.g. between the initial vocational training and further education as well as between European countries can be improved and a higher flexibility/mobility on the European job market can be achieved.
- Working out suggestions for a possible assignment of national standards (NQF,EQF) and for an assignment of Credit Points.
- Drawing up suggestions for the implementation of parts of the VQTS-Matrix in already existing national training programmes.
The project will help to find out current and future requirements in the new field of Building Service Engineering and to show competence requirements for future employees in a transparent and clear way. The project should enable each trainee of building service engineering to spend parts of his job training or his further education in a different European country. Afterwards his acquired knowledges, skills and competences will be acknowledged as part of his job training. Thus multinational transparency will be created that shows which competences future employees in GST will either have or have to gain in order to practise their future profession. By drawing up competence profiles employers for their part can formulate the requirements for future employees in a more detailed way to find qualified staff. The project is supposed to promote the transition to a “green economy” by helping to react to future needs of the job market in this field (ET2020).