Evaluation of the mobilities and development of specific possibilities to integrate the competence matrix or rather individual learning units into already existing national training programmes.
It will be discussed during the fourth workshop how these aims can be implemented into the different national VET-systems.
This aspect will be the main concern of that working package. Other stakeholders (local authorities in the partner countries) will look into possibilities of implementing the matrix into the national curricula. Futhermore new competences can be visibal with the help of the comparison of the VQTS-Matrix and existing curriculums and can be adopt into national regulations (eg. vorläufiger Lehrplan Techniker für Gebäudesystemtechnik). Furthermore it is neccessary to develop new training and advanced training oppotunities on the basis of certain units of the VQTS matrix. The issue of implementing units into the matrix will be initiated by defining standards for certain certificates in the respective countries. We also need to define which formal conditions should be affiliated with the certificate. Ultimately we need to develop certificates that will be acknowledged in all participating countries. That way an apprentice will be able to graduate from a GST course with an internationally acknowledged degree no matter where he or she took the course and/or the exam.
In Germay we are working on a suggestion about how the project’s results can be used to develop the national curriculum for technicians of Service Building Engineering, which is currently only available as trial version. The respective decision-making bodies in Spain, Finland, Belgium, and Bulgaria will be involved in answering the question of how to implement the matrix into the respective national curricula.
The workshop will therefore be joined by regional authorities and the chambers of commerce. Even though the question whether the matrix can be implemented into the partner countries’ national curricula has to remain unsettled for the time being, it was and it remains crucial to the planning process, that the relevant decision-making bodies are part of that planning process. It is also important to make sure, that those bodies are sympathetic to the idea of implementing new and improving existing training schemes.