The activities of the work package are targeted at pushing on the dissemination and usage of the project results (which can be understood as an accompanying process). Finally the partners will discuss the transferability of the project results to other educational institutions, new areas and new partner countries. First of all the usage property of the project results, e.g. creating competence profiles by companies, should be guaranteed. Important decision makers will be included in the process to promote the sustainability and transferability of the project results.
In Germany KN-Marketing GmbH will play a crucial role, as well as enterprises in the occupational field of Building Service Engineering that participated in the investigation/evaluation of the necessary competences (work package 1). The national dissemination process will be guaranteed by the stakeholders of the project (ministries, chambers of commerce, employee associations).
All partners involved in the project are very interested in a sustainable transfer of the project because they profit from the results directly. Moreover, most of all vocational colleges abroad act as satellites owing to their national contacts in the dissemination of project results. These partners were chosen in view of the future dissemination. The project partners will disseminate the project results at national meetings.
The website of the project will offer the opportunity to continuously publish the results and make an early dissemination possible. The internal area will be an important basis for communication among the partners and will be used in order to guarantee their effective cooperation. A logo of the project will be developed in order to support corporate identity in all partner countries. Also materials for web pages will be worked out. Posters, roll-ups and bookmarks will reach short-term and long-term target groups.
The EU-Geschäftsstelle will agree with the partners on an efficient dissemination strategy at the first meeting so that each partner can pursue its own regional and national dissemination strategy. There will be at least one stakeholder’s meeting in each partner country beginning in the summer 2013.