Project quality assurance and evaluation
All products/results will be put into the internal area of the project’s website and can be revised and discussed. During the meetings final agreements on the products to be published will be done.
Internal Quality assurance and evaluation reports: On the basis of the collected questionnaires after each work meeting, an evaluation report will be produced, which will be sent to all partners. The comments and recommendations in the evaluation report will be taken into account for the next meetings. This will raise their quality. Summarised reports will be included in the Interim and Final reports.
External quality assurance and evaluation reports: The external evaluation reports will take into account the following aspects: impact and quality of the product in relation to the objectives defined in the project; sustainability and transferability of the presented results. The external evaluator conclusions will be included within interim and final LLP NA reports.
Quality assurance and final evaluation report will be made available to the public on the project website. Future partnerships may take advantage of the experiences of this project.
At the start of the project and before the start of each WP, specific quality criteria will be set for the progress and for the outputs of the WP. At the end of the WP, the project partners will be questioned about their opinion of the quality of the work, according to these criteria. Results will be discussed in the project meetings. Thus quality assurance will be a recurring issue during the whole project, and not only an obligatory activity at the end. The results of the quality control activities will be audited by the external evaluator. The resulting final project quality assurance and evaluation report report should reflect the learning path of the partnership during the project.