Transparent description of the occupational field of Building Service Engineering based on the investigation results (Transfer of the VQTS-Marix)
1. The questionnaires will be evaluated by Building Service Engineering experts from the field of vocational education or university education. Each of the partners will provide experts. These experts were already appointed during the previous VETPRO-Project No. 282291. All partners have experts that are able to carry out and evaluate empirical investigations.
2. Completing the competence matrix for the occupational field of Building Service Engineering (possibly this task will be continued by the partners).
Completing the competence matrix consists of:
2.1 The definition of core working processes of the occupational field Building Service Engineering and the description of the assigned competence areas. To write the competence matrix so-called core working processes of Buidling Service Engineering will be determined and the matching competence areas will be described and classified. Referring to the competence areas competences, knowledge and skills will be defined that are important to carry out the current core working task.
2.2 Definition of the individual competences in the competence areas. Each competence area will be differentiated in different competence development steps from “beginner” to “experienced skilled worker”. Within the current competence areas about two to six steps of the competence development process will be described. These competence development steps describe and define different results of learning units and can show knowledge, skills and competences.
3. Allocation of the different steps of competence development into the EQF/NQF-levels.