Investigation/identification of job-related competences in the vocational field of Bulding Service Engineering on the basis of already existing job descriptions with the help of an empirical investigation (questionnaires)
Since Building Service Engineering is a new occupational field, there will be new competence demands for the future employees. Furthermore, Building Service Engineering is an occupational field that is definded differently throughout Europe (cf. e.g. Jennewein, Petersen, Gebäudesystemtechnik und Beruf, Bielefeld 2002).
Since there has just been an initial attempt concerning training and further education offers it is necessary to investigate the detailed competence requirements in this new occupational field. That is why the empirical investigation of job-related competences in the occupational field of Building Service Engineering will be in the centre of attention during the first workshop. The investigation results will be the basis for the investigation of job-related competences in the occupational field of Building Service Engineering and will therefore be prepared carefully.
Moreover, some of the partners have different knowledge/ideas concerning the description of learning units and we have to come to a common agreement on this.